Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Am I odd?... holidays

I applied for holidays today... am taking the 4 days following the Easter break with the intention of going into 'solitary confinement' and:

* Sleeping till I wake up... no alarm for 10 days
* Staying up all night if I feel like it reading or watching bad tv
* Wearing either my pj's or my trackies (preferably without underwear) every day
* Not wearing shoes, but skidding around the house in thick comfy socks
* Having a bubble bath, with candles and wine, and then slathering moisturiser all over and doing the whole facial thing every day
* Taking a drink and a book and stretching out on the bed for the afternoon and then napping without guilt
* Net surfing to my hearts content... and let it take me where it will
* Doing something creative... without any sense of urgency, but just because I want to, like knitting a scarf or working on some quilting
* Hopefully managing to avoid people organising catch ups cause I'm on holidays... I wonder if I can beat my own record of not speaking to a single soul except the cats for 4 days straight?
* Stocking up on supplies, so I don't need to shop... instead making a big pot of minestrone and eating the same thing every day... or being really indulgent and ordering home delivered food every second day... damn... that would mean talking to someone

And most importantly...

* Having a go at putting down on paper the ideas for a story floating through my head

So... Am I Odd?


catsmum said...

I can totally understand and identify with pretty much everything on the list...
but if you feel like breaking the no speaking rule you can come and do all of that up here :]

Anonymous said...

If you are odd then you have a lot of company!

Birdydownunder said...

Now we all know where we are going during the 4 days after the Easter break. What shall be bring. ROFLO

Miss Frou Frou said...

Catsmum.. sounds good, except I don't know what would happen to the fur babies

Phil.. really, most people are astonished that I can go so fully into hermit mode.. probably cause I'm fairly gregarious and outgoing... I can talk under water!

Sheila - you mean Catsmum's place! Cause you surely can't mean here... yikes...

M said...

that sounds GLORIOUS! I love hermit mode!