Monday 30 April 2007

Serendipitous, soft, squishy bits of goodness...

There's a serendipity to the blogosphere that I'm starting to appreciate. Reading a favourite blog, someone will post something, and it'll get me thinking, and then I'll read someone else's and they've posed a similar theme, and it'll get me thinking again.

Even more serendipitous is when I've been having conversations in RL and then suddenly there will be a group of people having conversations on a similar topic in the blogosphere... sometimes the universe tries various ways to make itself heard...

And I love my site meter... it's cool.. I can not only see how many people are reading, but where in the world they are, how long they stay, how many pages they read, and how they've found me. #

Best of all, I can see where people have found me via a search engine like google - for instance, this search "go braless" "first time" on blog search found this link.

Hit number 20... must have been keen to keep going... it's my understanding that people usually stop looking after the first page... I bet he was disappointed. I know, I'm making assumptions but just feels like maybe Singapore, 4.32am, who stayed for less than a second, was a he...

And there's that serendipity again... have read a couple of blog posts about breasticles and bras recently, and Eileen in a post over the weekend listed the things she'd never do, including sending pictures of her boobage to blogging friends. I agreed with her and told her mostly cause my boobage is slowly becoming my waistage!

So it's seems that boobage is a bit of an underlying theme at present, so Frou Frou's random thoughts on boobage (sorry, I love that word... boobage, boobage, boobage).

In Succulent Wild Women, SARK talks about the size of a woman's boobage - you know when you have an overabundance of boobage when you can hold a pencil under there...

She also suggests that cleavage is the best place to warm the butter in a restaurant, which always makes me laugh when I'm sitting there looking at curls of frozen butter... I think she meant the foil wrapped packets.

It's not just straight men who have a fascination with breasticles, a completely out there gay colleague used to regularly reach out and play... either undoing buttons so he could look down my shirt, or actually coping a feel...and couldn't understand why I wasn't comfortable with his behaviour...

In discussions with girlfriends, most of us are never really happy with our lot... if we're small, we'd like 'em bigger, and if we're bigger, we wish they were smaller.

Most guys will do the visual inspection, just that the majority of them will look quickly and then look elsewhere. Making a big deal of it, usually has a negative effect... and honestly, I think most of the time, they don't even know they're doing it...

The bra, is often one of the first items of clothing removed when we come home at night, or the item of clothing least likely to be put on if we know no-one is going to see us. Guys, imagine wearing a jock strap/ or cup all day, and you might get a bit of an inkling of what a full underwire bra can sometimes feel like... and most of us will need to wear one out in public every day from the age of about 13-16 ... unless we want to be able to tuck our boobage into our underpants by age 40!

There is nothing quite as embarrassing as looking down and seeing that the underwire in your bra has broken through the fabric and you've got this pointy bump in your boobage. Well, there is something more embarrassing, go back and read the link that started this post in the first place if you don't believe me...

Tattoos on breasticles can look wonderful, but gravity and saggage can make that lovely design look slightly strange... a friend had to get new ink on her starfish tattoo as 10 years down the track someone wanted to know why she had a snail on her boobie...

And sometimes we are just cold!

# I have aubirdwoman and rhian/crowwoman to thank for most of my traffic, which is lovely, an old friend from RL and a new friend from the blogosphere. I met aubirdwoman about 6 years ago when she came along to a axe murderers quilters get together I organised on an online quilt group we both belonged to. I love my Mum, but if I was going to pick another one, Sheila would be a good choice.

And Rhian feels so much like a friend already, and we're going to dance together when the end is nigh... and help it along a little, we'll probably dance right off the end of the world, or I'll trip and take her over the side with me...


Birdydownunder said...

wow Frou what a wonderful compliment a mum by adoption. Thank you. But....better ask my kids what I am really like lol. They reckon I have eyes in the back of my head and I always know what they think I don't know.
Funny I was only thinking as I was walking around the supermarket, what a wonderful place this blogsphere is becoming. Its almost like family isn't it? But it does cut into sewing time lol. aubirdwoman

Rhian said...

ah shit Miss Frou - i spewed coffee on that last line. Can anyone say Laverne and Shirley?

Regarding the mammary glands discussion - i was A cup until i became preggers with my youngest son then suddenly - whoa, WMDs exploded out of nowhere AND decided to stay. Hubby likes the girls just fine but i was much happier when i was less busty.

AND (i can't seem to shutup this morning) i love that blog serendipity - noticed that meself recently. Totally validates the collection subconscious.

Miss Frou Frou said...

smc - don't the extra sets of eyes appear in the 3rd trimester? And yes, it cuts into the sewing time, and more importantly the writing time...

rhi - Can I be Laverne - with my initial appliqued on my chesticles... WMDs - lol... imagine threatening someone, "look out, I've got my WMDs and if you're not careful I'm going to nipple whip you!"

M said...

you're right about the grass being greener on the other side. I'd love to be an A cup for a day just to be able to go without a bra for a day and not even care would be great!

Anonymous said...

Well as a fat bottom girl....I can say that when it comes to boobage I am completely happy with what I have....not big by any standard or too small either...can do the braless thing without any real attention and the girls are still pretty my hubbie likes to put it!! So there are some positives about not ever having been pregnant!!

Miss Frou Frou said...

M - an A cup! I'd be happy with a C.

FBG - maybe we should have called you Perky Boobage here instead... sounds a bit like a p0rn name!

Anonymous said...

Well said.