Sunday 15 April 2007

The weekend that was...

I go back to work tomorrow.... sob, sob.... Part of me is glad to go back, I miss people, have some interesting things that are happening or I'm trying to make happen... but the problem with having a 10 day break is the more time I spend away from work the more realise I'd prefer not to work at all...

Did I do all the things I wanted to do during this break... nah! Though I've had a good time, enough social interaction and solitude to please my slightly schizophrenic personality.

My girls, Gertie and Gracie have loved having me home, especially Gertie, wherever I've been she's been for the last 10 days. Sitting watching TV, she's either on my lap, on the arm of the chair or on the footstool. In bed, she's beside me... we've napped together a few times. On the PC, she's usually sitting on the keyboard, or trying to climb on top of the monitor. Even having a bath, involves her curled up on the ledge over the bathtub, occasionally patting me on the head.

The last couple of days have been weird though... probably why it's not a bad thing that I'm going back to work, as I suspect this is what my life would be like if I didn't need to work... and it's not pretty..or particularly healthy...

Up reasonable early for me on holiday and pottered around for most of the day sorting through some crafty stuff (will blog about that separately as I'm making a list of all projects both unfinished and yet to start - yikes).

At the same time, as sorting through stuff, I made a pot of minestrone soup. There's a reason why I refer to myself as an undomesticated goddess... and that I don't cook very often... soup is terrible. Not inedible, but not great.... sigh... even Gertie, who loves all human food, wouldn't touch it...

Seemed to fritter away the day, just pottering and a bath and reading both books and blogs, and watching some TV... am slowly watching 'Tripping Over' that Mum taped for me last year.

Lost in Translation on TV Friday night - so watched that... not as good with commercials... note to self - buy DVD!

Bed before midnight, go to sleep almost instantly, and then:

3.00am... wide awake .... sigh...

3.30am give up and get up... back on pc's doing some work on my blog, just adding and reorganising things, while reading others... and checking out ebay...

6.00am... gee I'm tired... back to bed...

1.30pm... woke up... for once the cats haven't done a not so happy dance over my head demanding food... both curled up asleep beside me.

2.00pm... I feel cottonwoolly and headachey and awful... it's overcast and I'm cold... so put the heater on briefly...make some breakfast and coffee (and panadol) and sit down and watch another episode of Tripping Over while doing some handpiecing of Bushfire Quilt blocks.

3.30pm Went to the loo and coped a look at myself in the mirror... my hair looks a bit like Cameron Diaz' in that scene from There's Something About Mary... so shower... bugger getting dressed, so clean pair of pj's.

4.00pm - Set myself up with some cross stitch... the Patchwork Santa/Hermit.

My vision has changed in the last 12 months, so I can't wear my glasses to do fine work like cross stitch, but need my glasses to watch TV... and usually end up with a cricked neck from the constant peering over the top of them to do handwork. So, no TV this time, sitting in absolute silence while I stitch only occasionally stopping to get a cuppa or cuddle Gertie.

6.00pm - watch the news, and feed animals. Not hungry yet, and can't decide what I want... another cuppa

6.30pm - TV off again, back to the cross stitch. Decide I might as well do my week's washing, mostly tracky's and pj's, while I'm working.

8.00pm - should eat I guess... decide to put frozen quiche in oven... heah... better than my first thought... a packet of potato chips... more stitching...

9.20pm - start to tape Rockwiz - love that show... get dinner and patchwork out again, and settle down to watch The West Wing. I've so enjoyed the double episodes on the ABC of the last season... only one more week to go and it's finished... wish they'd start all over again... note to self - buy DVD... more patchwork... 3rd block this time...

10.50pm - still patchworking.... and watching North and South... love that show too... I thought Colin Firth's Mr Darcy was dark and brooding, but Richard Armitage's Mr Thornton is better... oh la la... he's good... he declares his love for Margaret and she rejects him... stupid cow! Note to self - buy the DVD

Midnight - bed...reading for awhile... but nodded off with the book in my hand around 1.00am.. as you do...

8.00am - awake... but still tired... up and feed girls and then back to bed...

11.00am - awake again... though could be tempted to stay here... have a scratchy throat... that would be great, back to work with a cold... should I stay in bed? up...

Coffee, reading my book... fart arsing around....

1.30pm - breakfast... have bought bacon and eggs, but decided I'll have those for tea... so cereal... and watch taped Rockwiz from the night before. Josh Pyke and Neko Case guests. Saw Josh Pyke when he was touring with Tim Finn at the Forum. I like him - note to self - get CD!

Start to meaninglessly channel surf - The Horse Soldiers with John Wayne, or Beethoven or sport... sigh... waste an hour or more just channel flicking... and naval gazing...

3.30pm - internal debate... what to do? Do some ironing and get organised for work tomorrow? No - back to the Patchwork Hermit, but set egg timer for 1 hour, to make sure I do something else productive...

4.30pm - Something productive! Writing this blog and another entry with my current crafty projects... will post that later after taking some photo's.

5.30pm - need to do dishes, and tidy up at least a little, garbage etc. - if I go to work tomorrow with a messy house, I'm going to be cross.

Plans for tonight... Cooking a fry up dinner... eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast (cholesterol heaven!)

Then the ABC again, I think... Einstein Factor, News, Robin Hood (Richard Armitage again.. woo hoo) and The Abduction Club...

This kind of weekend, which I've largely enjoyed, despite the strange sleeping/habits is one of the reasons why I don't think I'll ever settle down with a bloke... can't imagine any guy being happy to have this sort of weekend... well, I guess someone who had his own hobby I guess... who would go off and do his own thing, while I did mine. Maybe I need to find a guy who'll happily stay during the week and then disappear of a weekend?

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