Monday 23 April 2007

If I Could Read My Mind...

Those thoughts have included but are not restricted to:

Why have I always liked even numbers rather than odd?

And why have the 2 homes I've lived in in the last 5 years been made up of odd numbers - 5/77-79 and 3/31-33?

Why is the deepest, most satisfying sleep always the hour before the alarm goes off?

Maybe I'm a cat... I want to sleep all day and party all night... maybe I'm actually a vampire?

If I was a vampire, I'd be immortal ... I wonder if I'd have a successful relationship if I lived for centuries?

Why does Sunday time always go much faster than Monday time?

Is it a message from the universe when you win only one movie ticket that you should get used to seeing movies on your own?

Why do people playing trivial pursuit take it all so damn seriously?

Truly, has anyone ever really fallen asleep in the bath and drowned?

Why is it that I never feel hungry? Maybe I AM a vampire! Or I've been reading too much Vampire P0rn Sherilyn Kenyon/Tanya Huff/ Lauren K. Hamilton?

If you want to generate your own Catalogue Card - it's here.


M said...

Why is the deepest, most satisfying sleep always the hour before the alarm goes off?

oh my god yes! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

Miss Frou Frou said...

M - have no idea, but it's annoying, particularly when you've been awake till 5.00am! I think my natural body clock would have me awake most of the night and asleep during the day... need to get a permanent night shift job... and then I'd have an excuse for having no social life, lol!

Indiana said...

Being a Vampire would be sort of cool...the whole immortal, pseudo erotic undertones and the power...but I guess I'd miss the sun...oh and therer is that whole sucking blood thing to contend with.

Miss Frou Frou said...

Indy - I make with the smiley face/doofus/dag way too much to do the broody, powerful vamp thing... I'd be more Harmony than Drusilla.

Yeah, the blood thing would put me off too... though the odd bite would be ok!

Rhian said...

how 'bout Morticia, Miss Frou? lurved DID she walk without tripping?

molly said...

about drowning in the bathtub--I've come close---and soaked a few books too....Thanks for stopping by miss frou frou!

Miss Frou Frou said...

Rhi - I loved Lily Munster more.. she was curvy, and even as a young girl I knew I was more likely to be curvy, rather than willowy like Morticia. Would love to have a Lily Munster streak in my hair...

Molly.. I've nodded off in the bath, and dropped books too... but the minute I submerged I woke up... I guess that's what I was wondering... you'd have to be deeply asleep to not wake up when the water went up your nose?

Birdydownunder said...

mff... I also am a bath sleeper...never thought I might drown, love Morticia too. AUBIRDWOMAN