Wednesday 26 September 2007

Love of my life wanted, must love cats...

More tales of the Boomerang Boy
MFF: Hi, how are you?
Not good, I tripped down the stairs and I've hurt myself

How did you do that?

Mrs Boomerang's bloody cat was scratching my bag and I chased it and slipped

(laughing) - Oh poor you...

Damn cat! I told her it had to go ... so she's given the cat to her mother


Yep, told her either the cat went or I did

You know what I would have done if you said that to me, don't you?


Let me help you pack your bags sweetie...

(laughing) See, that's why I didn't marry you!

Indiana has a blog post today about single women getting rid of their pets if they want to date! With the utmost respect to Indy, he can bugger off!

I've had pets all my life, and one of the things I missed most when I moved out of home was the presence of animals. I love cats and dogs, but do believe with my lifestyle that a dog would be an indulgence. But have two cats, getting Gertie the year I moved out, and then Gracie the following year to keep her company when my nephew moved out and she was spending a lot of time on her own.

We are a package deal... and I'm aware that there are men who do not like cats, which is why I tell prospective dates about mine early on... I'm not going to waste either his or my time if he has an allergy or an active dislike of them.

In the same way that I don't date men who have children but don't play a role in their lives (unless there are circumstances like distance etc. that prevent it) I wouldn't date a man who would expect me to give up my animals...


M said...

Ahh yes, because if you're single you don't deserve to have a pet apparently - one must be absolutely ready at the helm just in case Mr Right should come knocking! We don't want that darn cat manipulating us with its persuasive meow.

I don't have a cat but I can just imagine how time consuming they must be I mean... yes well, they eat and sleep a lot which is VERY taxing on the owner I'm sure. They need to be watched at all times those cats - they're not the kind of animal known for doing their own thing now are they?

Yes, the more I think about it, I realise that if someone called up for a date it'd be absolutely impossible to fit the man around the cat schedule. Best get rid of it so we can be absolutely and totally dependent on the man for ALL our needs and amusement instead. God knows they just LOVE women who are absolutely dependent on them for ..well everything!

I suppose this goes for men and their dogs too - god knows there is that much walking and playing and puppy school etc to be done - best just give the dog to a couple of marrieds who have no romantic hopes and dreams. As a single man, there's much too much to get done what with all those phone calls promised but never returned and reading 'The Game' for 50 billionth time. Where does the time go? Being a single man (like being a single woman) is a full time job - Dogs just get in the way. They're only for Christmas after all.

ohhh wait - and what of the Nintendo Wii or PS2? You guessed right - out it goes, no use for that if you're a single man - too time consuming. Who cares if you've got a few hours to yourself and would like to play a game of Pacman (err..not quite up with the modern games)? Us singles must put those free hours to good use by simply concentrating on the date..even if they're not there - it's still paramount to have every spare moment available *just in case*.

While I think about it, football/rugby/soccer/cricket etc are precisely in the same league as cats there. These are exactly the kinds of sports that takes attention away from the date too. Away with them, I say! Leave that stuff for the coupled folks.

All that fun stuff - only for the lucky marrieds I say! Pets, being the most evil of all! I know my goldfish was mighty possessive of me should I bring a man around. He would swim angrily around the bowl making furious bubbles of doom that would echo throughout the house until I couldn't stand it a minute longer and was forced to ask the lovely man to leave. It's always one or the other - there isn't quite room enough in my heart for both pet and man. Luckily it died, and now I can get back to the real business of searching for a husband. With all this extra free time on my hands I can finally work my way through the L-Z of the White Pages. I wish they'd bold the singles.

Obviously you haven't thought it through Miss FF - Single people - especially women are much too distracted by cats and other miscellany and THAT'S why they're single!

M said...

hm, especially ironic when a straight man doesn't love pussy ;)

Miss Frou Frou said...

Oh Mez - I love you... lol

Red Garnier said...

I agree, Miss Frou. Pets stay and if a guy likes them fine, if he doesn't; he's not worth it anyway! =)

Karina said...

M just had me laughing so hard I'm crying! And since that comment pretty much said anything I could have thought to say, I'm just going to go with YEAH!


Have the T-shirt said...

You can tell a lot about a guy by how he treats your dog. If he wants you to get rid of your dog that tells you everything you need to know!

savannah said...

wow...the post was right on, but m's comment took it to another level!

well done, sugars! *LMBO*

Miss Frou Frou said...

Karina - I know, she's amazing!

T-shirt - yep, anyone who is jealous of pets would be a nightmare with people!

Savannah - thank you.. my post was tame compared to the splendiferous Mez... she's my hero!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Fantastic post and comments! And the ad for your graphic is pretty funny, too. Unless it's an allergy thing, I think someone who'd want you to get rid of a big part of your life - your cat - is too insecure to bother with.

I've posted my interview, Miss Frou! Thanks for the questions.

savannah said...

just read your interview with julia...well done, sugar!