Sunday 16 September 2007

With my body I thee worship....

Boomerang Boy: She's a 'what you see is what you get' kind of girl
Miss Frou Frou: And I'm not?

BB: No way!

MFF: Seriously? What do you mean?

BB: You're like Forrest Gump's Chocolates...
you never know what your going to get until you bite into it...
MFF: But you like chocolate?

BB: Yeah, but I want to know what kind it is before I eat it!

The above exchange took place about 4 years ago, as part of a discussion about the kind of relationship BB wanted into the future, and why he was marrying someone else, even though he still professed some feelings for me.

It lead to some interesting conversations with friends at the time, as I tried to understand what he meant. Most of my friends saying they thought I was open and honest and very much a 'what you see is what you get' kind of girl... though interestingly a conversation with MLF (my first love who I've known for over 25 years) was illuminating...

MFF: He said I wasn't a 'what you see is what you get' kind of girl
MFL: He's talking through his arse... you're a straight shooter

MFF: Thanks... even way back when we first meet and we were going through all
that 'will we/ won't we' stuff of our relationship?
MFL: (silence - laughter) .... Oh yeah, I see his point...

All of this is playing out in my head at the minute, as B and S at work are dead keen on turning 'find Frou Frou a man' into their next project... wanting to put my profile up online etc. and I am so ambivalent about it all... and I'm wondering why I am so unenthusiastic...

What also keeps playing through my head is a conversation with Nature Boy earlier in the year.

NB: Do you realise every time the subject of men and relationships comes up you either snort dismissively or you do the eyeroll thing?
MFF: Yeah, well that's because the whole men/relationships thing and I don't fit very well
... always ends up in tears before bedtime
NB: You're not very confident about yourself, are you?

MFF: Oh, you've misunderstood. I am very confident... I know I am an amazing woman and some man would be extraordinarily lucky to have me.
NB: Umm... ok... (looking at me like I'm an alien)
MFF: Where I lack confidence is in the single men out there and they're ability to see me for the Goddess that I am...


Julia Phillips Smith said...

"even way back when we first meet and we were going through all that 'will we/ won't we' stuff of our relationship?
MFL: (silence - laughter) .... Oh yeah, I see his point..."

Miss Frou Frou, your comedy timing is wickedly funny.

Indiana said...

So you are more complex than you thought...and want to be put on a pedestal like everyone else :-)

I should say welcome to the club. ~lol~

Karina said...

I believe this is exactly why you and I get along so well in the blogosphere...that last exchange with Nature Boy sounds VERY similar to conversations I have weekly with my friend DD.

savannah said...

i just want to be loved is that so wrong? *who said that and in which movie?*

Miss Frou Frou said...

Julia - that's me - the funny, wicked girl!

Indy - yep... pedestal aspiring, complex, funny, wicked girl!

Karina - karmic twin, do as I say and not what I do... oh ... scratch that... don't to what I say either... I'm too wicked!

Savannah - I have no idea, but whoever he is I hope he was single?

Sarah said...

I've always snorted dismissively and rolled the eyes to prove that I'm single and I don't need a man (rawr!). Yes, overcompensating much.