What the.....? Misunderstanding Men
It's really simple... Women speak subtle. Men do not.
It's that easy, you want a guy to know that you like him and you are interested in having him pursue and chase you, then you need to be less subtle...you don't want to be too obvious, but you need to be less subtle... Indiana
The above comment was left on my last post... You Say Potato, I Say Potato... Misunderstanding Men
And a few weeks ago Midwest posted about advice from Wombat on Kiss & Blog that goes as follows:
1. Don't initiate anything with a guy (not even friendship), ever
2. Don't initiate anything with a guy (not even friendship), ever
3. Don't initiate anything with a guy (not even friendship), ever
Is it any wonder that I am so totally ambivalent about dating!
I think I might do better becoming lesbionic... sigh....
yikes, sugar! i wish i understood the feckers myself, but i've long since given up...and i'm married!
So if you become les-bionic, does this entail replacing certain parts with mechanical ones, and then you'll have to go fight crime in between bouts of woman-love?
You could have your own TV show -- The Les-Bionic Woman.
Ann Aguirre, that is hilarious!!
Miss Frou Frou, trying to understand the opposite sex is to realize they are opposite. Enjoy them for the exotic creatures they are.
Lesbionic, ha ha, Frou-Frou.
Julia's onto something with her comment, she's clever. (As are Savannah and Ann, of course.)
Midwest somewhat exaggerated my advice for dramatic effect. What she was doing was trying to be like a guy, treating a man who interested her like a target to be shot and dragged back to her cave.
Unsurprisingly, that didn't work. When guys do this, we're half expecting to crash and burn, ie: be rejected. In my opinion, women aren't so good with that kind of rebuff, as I found out yet again when Midwest called me bemoaning the entire episode.
So I agree with Indy, but would take it one half-step further, which is to recommend women demonstrate the kind of green lights men are looking for.
The final approach should still be made by the guy. That's just the way it works.
I believe that if you (or I) are ever truly going to hit that "dating" scene again, we must stop reading the comments left on your blog...because now I'm all confused too!
But then, if I stopped reading them, I might stop laughing out loud at work, and we wouldn't want that!
Love the "Men Commandments" too!
I'm glad that Wombat got to this before me :-) But basically offer the 'green light' so he knows his approach is not going to get shot down, and guys will approach. In fact, the 'nice' guys that you want to meet won't approach until the 'green light'. But remember,
What's green to you is very often red or amber to a guy.
too weird Queen Frou - i was pondering this very topic last night. I'm positive the genders speak different languages. And the Rosetta stone was lost long ago.
Savannah - I only want to understand them long enough to get laid!
Ann - The Les-Bionic Woman - I bet the boys would love to watch that... wonder which bits would be bionic?
Julia - I realise they are exotic, and I do enjoy them immensely... they're just a perplexing puzzle
Wombat/ Indy - seriously dudes you're just confusing me more! You need to spell it out.. what is this green light you speak of?
Karina - I'm just in utter despair at present, and I haven't even started dating yet!
Rhi - Yes I know, they look like us, sound like us even, but there's a whole lot of other stuff going on that is incomprehensible!
Eye contact, hair flipping, touching, leaning in, conspiratorial looks...
...you know, all those non-verbal getting close things.
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