Friday 7 September 2007

Members wanted... The All Over the Shop Choir...

Can you - sing Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass, preferably all within the same verse?

Can you - when you can't remember the actual words, convincingly fluff around, emote and make weird vocal noises that imitate singing?

Can you - dance like a dork, completely out of rhythm with what you're actually singing, but nevertheless keep swinging those hips?

Can you - make mistakes in 2 out of 13 songs, but manage to ensure no-one in the audience notices?

Can you do all of these things and still have a ripsnorting, ripper of a time?

If this sounds like you, Miss Frou Frou and Miss La De Da, Choir Leaders
are recruiting for the All Over the Shop Choir...
experienced singers need not apply!


Scorpy said...

I can sing low over the hill that you can't hear me and probably don't want to lol. I can sing in the shower and driving my car on long trips...all the notes are me anyway. :)

Ann ODyne said...


Julia Phillips Smith said...

Hey you look great! Whichever one of those choir singers you are...

Just started choir myself last night. I always miss it so much.

Miss Frou Frou said...

Scorpy.. sounds like our kind of singer.. welcome aboard!

Ann - this is all tongue in cheek... the thought of me as a choir leader is mind boggling!

Julia - I'm the little, fat, red/brown haired girl with the sun in her eyes... does that help?

Rhian - I'm here... just lots of late nights and frazzled brain making it hard for me to put a sentence together!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

You DO look great!