Sunday 18 February 2007

Ego is not a dirty word...

So if you've got an ego
You better keep it in good shape,
Exercise it daily
And get it down on tape (Ego is not a dirty word, Skyhooks)

It's been a funny week... sharing my blog with friends and getting some feedback. The question of blog names has come up a lot.

When offered the opportunity to come up with their own blog names the Groove Train Gang all responded in different ways, with one in particular, being incredibly paranoid about who would be reading this stuff...

We've come up with flickchick, for the movie-obsessed girl in our gang - she is my 'Melbourne international movie festival' buddy - dragging me along to see films I'd never actually choose to see normally.

And then on Friday night I had a hilarious telephone conversation from one of the gang.

From her conversation I have to assume that she had indulged in one or two or ten sherbets, and was one or two drinks away from the 'I loves youse all' phase. She was terribly excited, wanting to know if the savoury girl that I would buy gourmet cheeses for rather than chocolate in my Valentine's Day blog was her.

Her: That was me, wasn't it? The girl who likes cheese, that was me?

Me: Yes, that was you

Her: I knew it! I told everyone that it was me. They were all 'so what' but it is so cool reading these and wondering who everyone is, and then recognising yourself...

Me: Is it? I'm a bit worried about saying too much about everyone, hence my giving everyone blog names. You'll have to be cheese girl now?

Her: Cheese girl! That's so cool

She's gorgeous... and is so funny... at our last get together she announced to the table that she was writing a book 'The Year I turned 32 and became invisible' and then announced dramatically that she had NO FRIENDS!

We all looked at one another a bit perplexed, before laughing out loud and saying - what the heck are we, chopped liver!

My friend (loveulongtime) was a bit upset cause I hadn't given her a name yet... the loveulongtime tag she made up herself when she posted a message.

I'm still struggling to come up with something... the only thing that keeps going through my mind is the weekend she and I and another friend went away and we gave each other nicknames. D.... fat bottom, J.... no bottom and V..... big all over. No prizes, for guessing that I was the big all over girl... but I'm definitely not going to start referring to her as Fat Bottom Girl!

She too has been enjoying reading the blog and trying to guess who everyone was.

It's all one giant self-indulgent wankfest really!

Though it's been lovely to get so much positive feedback. Cheese Girl, in her usual, backhanded complimentary style, said - I knew you were always pretty good with words, but I never realised just how good you were...

And the Nature Boy, has continued to give me lots of support, he said I was an artist... oh my... and said, yes, he would support me if he could afford to, when I laughingly asked him if he'd keep me in the style I wished to be accustomed to, so I could follow my muse...Really! - I squealed, in an embarrassingly girly fashion... talk about uncool... I can't help being such a dag!

I had to restrain myself from giving him a huge hug which would have been 50 types of wrong... not least of all because this conversation was happening in a crowded room of colleagues and said Nature Boy has a Nature Girl of his own... isn't he a treasure... and sorry, girls, I've already checked... no brothers... sigh...

So, I'm blogging along for now... though I'm conscious that it's going to be hard to appear mysterious to anyone if I keep baring my soul here... and I've just realised how weird it is, that I've just written a blog entry, about my blog entries... my brain hurts!


Anonymous said...

CheeseGirl, would like to be known henceforth as sheepish...The amazing thing is that I do actually recall speaking to you (well vaguely)...wonders will never cease. Even more amazing, is that MrCheese thoughtfully asked me to apologise on hios behalf for hanging up on you so ceremoniously the other night.
Oh dear, who invented mobile phones? I need one that has a breathalyser attached!

Miss Frou Frou said...

Heah cheesegirl,

No harm, no foul... actually you were gorgeous...slightly under the weather, but gorgeous.

And Mr Cheese was very pleasant! I got a quick hang on a sec here's Mr Cheese from you and then a very polite - 'I'm sorry, cheesegirl has to go now'from him...

Anonymous said...

OK so it seems my name should be fat bottom problem with that....when u hit your middle 40's and have a wonderful hubbie who happens to love that fat bottom and when u r losing weight and he says don't lose too much off there...u can shout it out to the world with pride....I'M A FAT BOTTOM GIRL AND I'M LOVED AND HAPPY!!

Miss Frou Frou said...

Heah FBG,

As my friend Jappa says - remember Fat Bottom Girls make the rockin' world go round...

MFF (whose a FBG herself, except her bottom is going to hit the back of her kneecaps soon... ah the joys of aging...)