Saturday 3 February 2007

Not with a bang, but with a whimper...

Well, here goes I first baby steps into sharing my thoughts with the wider world.

Why am I here? Have always loved telling anecdotes and stories, and riffing on whatever stray thought has settled long enough in my brain to actually register.

And a very new friend, after playing email tag where I think I have mildly amused him with said riffs has encouraged me to actually 'write'.

Mind you this could be the Nature Boy's sly attempt to get me to stop pestering him with email. But if you're reading this and thinking you want to do permanent damage to someone as a result, then he's the one you should go looking for - let me know, I'll give you his address...

Writing is something I've done for most of my life, but never in any serious and committed way. There's a shoebox full of short stories started, most featuring a little, fat, funny girl who closely resembles me, except she's much wittier and prettier, and everybody loves her. Heah, if you're going to write fictional stories about yourself, you are allowed to embellish!

And for a brief and shining moment I thought I was going to make my fortune as a writer of erotic fiction... well the guy I wrote them for liked them... except he said there was too much description and not enough action... but that's a whole other tale to be told...and not one I'm ready to share as yet, if ever.

As for the blog name? I used to be (fill in the blanks) but I'm alright now is one of my favourite things to say, and depending on how you say it, and what the missing word is, can get the whole gamut of reactions, but usually a laugh.

Some of my examples:

  • I used to be a Collingwood supporter, but I'm alright now
  • I used to be a good girl, but I'm alright now - this works particularly well when talking to boys if you say it absolutely deadpan, and then do the whole coy smile, flutter of eyelids outrageously routine
  • I used to be skinny, but I'm alright now - in my case, usually results in sniggers, as it's pretty clear my blubber has been around long enough to set! Sigh...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I think that the Nature Boy deserves our congratulations for finally getting our gorgeous girl to do something that secretly she has wanted to do FOREVER!!.....write and be read..of course because what else is the point...all these stories that she has written and most of us have never out world cos here comes Miss Frou Frou